by Chris Taylor | Jan 12, 2018 | Imperfect Best
I believe that somewhere in our heart, we know who we truly are and how we wish to show up in this world. I know that somewhere, in the control tower of our mind, lives a very entitled ego, glued to its radar screen, monitoring every beat of our heart. I picture...
by Jason Freeman | Dec 13, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Remember how full of challenges first grade was? There was so much to do! Learning to read, learning to spell, and learning to do math was lots of work. (If you were a grade school prodigy who found first grade to be total cake, please just imagine what it would...
by Jason Freeman | Nov 16, 2017 | Imperfect Best
How often do we want more freedom from our weekly routine? I’m writing this blog because I’m tired of having to write a blog each week in order to have a “weekly blog”. I want the freedom to write a blog if I feel like it, instead of feeling that...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 12, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Things change. Problems that we think are insurmountable get solved. Ten years ago, standing up in front of an audience was the last thing I wanted to do. Back then, I was resigned to making do with a speech impediment I was ashamed of. It never occurred to me...
by Jason Freeman | Sep 26, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Since we were kids we’ve been told to “Just Wait.” We’ve been told to “Just Wait,” for a chocolate chip cookie, for a new toy we desperately want, for summer vacation to come. Now, sometimes it’s important to just wait: For the light to turn green. For the corn...
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