NOT a  Destination

NOT a  Destination

Getting stuck in apology mode and marinating in guilt over a mistake is not typically a productive way forward.  I know, I’ve gone down this rutted, worn, treacherous dirt road countless times. I know this.  Yet one morning fairly recently, I found myself tempted...
A Subtle Alarm

A Subtle Alarm

Certain health scares come into our lives as glaringly blaring as a car alarm going off outside the bedroom window at 3 AM!!!  Others can be much more subtle.  Quiet enough to easily ignore.  A few months back, I had my blood pressure taken and it was much higher than...
Paradoxical Keys to Happiness

Paradoxical Keys to Happiness

Is it possible that the risks we take and the challenges we overcome might hold keys to our happiness?  Contemplate with me here, do you find you’re happiest when you are busy trying to figure something out, or when your day is pretty predictable and seems much...
Blocking Your Goals

Blocking Your Goals

Imagine only one team playing itself in soccer.  Each player would have to play both offense and defense at the same time and make an honest effort to both score and block the goal during the same play.  Besides being utterly self-defeating, it sounds like a...
Trying To Do Better This Go ‘Round

Trying To Do Better This Go ‘Round

I imagine most people who consider themselves somewhere on the political spectrum would agree that the stakes of the 2024 presidential election are very high and the results of the election will have at least some direct effects on our lives.  I find late...