by Jason Freeman | Oct 31, 2017 | Imperfect Best
I might have a Hemorrhoid. Either that or something far worse. Too much information? YES, it is! Way too much. I didn’t even wait to overshare six paragraphs down. I threw you in the deep end right away. I overshared because I want to talk about...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 26, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Maybe I choose to write about this subject because I’m road tripping to Death Valley this weekend and I really don’t want to die out there. I’m a writer and thus like word-play. But think of my post Death Valley death obituary. It would say, “Jason Freeman died in...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 20, 2017 | Imperfect Best
I’ve decided to go on a news fast. Now there are many types of fasts my body could use: a sugar fast, a cheese fast, a burrito fast. But for now I choose a weeklong news fast . . . and I’m very excited about it. For the last year, I’ve been hitting...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 12, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Things change. Problems that we think are insurmountable get solved. Ten years ago, standing up in front of an audience was the last thing I wanted to do. Back then, I was resigned to making do with a speech impediment I was ashamed of. It never occurred to me...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 3, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Today is new As a child’s first step (Fragment of a poem I wrote in 2004 that has been hiding in my green tub since then.) How about this one: Henry keeps saying to his wife, “I just want to go on our camping trip to Yellowstone.” Hour after hour he...
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