Do You Ever Play This Trick On Yourself?

Do You Ever Play This Trick On Yourself?

Since we were kids we’ve been told to “Just Wait.” We’ve been told to “Just Wait,” for a chocolate chip cookie, for a new toy we desperately want, for summer vacation to come.   Now, sometimes it’s important to just wait: For the light to turn green. For the corn...
Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here

I live in San Diego.  San Diego has many “perfect” locations to walk: beautiful neighborhoods, a vibrant downtown, breathtaking beaches, and majestic piers like the one below.  I’ve strolled in all these places countless times and enjoy them immensely....
I Fell Off the Imperfect Best Wagon

I Fell Off the Imperfect Best Wagon

Get Your Goat: To annoy you to the point of getting pissed. Urban Dictionary   Do you ever have thoughts that just get your goat?  Then your goat gets all spooked, jumpy, and agitated.  Meanwhile you are left feeling generally, completely miserable. Yesterday I...