I haven’t talked about my dream of becoming a millionaire publicly for years because: 1- I’m uncertain if I can do it. 2- I don’t want to share a pie-in-the-sky goal with the world, royally fail at it and then look like a dreamer who never accomplishes what he sets...
There’s a Zen quote I love, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” ~ Zen Proverb For the record, I’m not anywhere close to enlightenment. I just ate a Snickers Bar. I say this as if enlightened people don’t eat...
How often do we want more freedom from our weekly routine? I’m writing this blog because I’m tired of having to write a blog each week in order to have a “weekly blog”. I want the freedom to write a blog if I feel like it, instead of feeling that...
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