by Jason Freeman | Aug 22, 2019 | Imperfect Best
News Stories I Saw On Wednesday, July 17, 2019: -In Washington, DC, tensions between Democratic and the Republican lawmakers are reaching a boiling point -There’s an ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo -The United States is in debt up to it’s...
by Jason Freeman | Apr 27, 2019 | Imperfect Best
As a professional speaker, I’m busier than I have ever been. This week I did one speaking engagement, booked two more and did a great deal of promising networking. I’m in the heart of my career and enjoying it so much. Yet this afternoon, as I devote time to writing...
by Jason Freeman | Mar 28, 2018 | Imperfect Best
When we step out and go for what really excites us, what we can truly invest our heart into, we are naturally increasing the love we feel towards ourselves and the world. This stepping out requires a willingness and a surrender to the risk of stepping out...
by Chris Taylor | Jan 12, 2018 | Imperfect Best
I believe that somewhere in our heart, we know who we truly are and how we wish to show up in this world. I know that somewhere, in the control tower of our mind, lives a very entitled ego, glued to its radar screen, monitoring every beat of our heart. I picture...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 20, 2017 | Imperfect Best
I’ve decided to go on a news fast. Now there are many types of fasts my body could use: a sugar fast, a cheese fast, a burrito fast. But for now I choose a weeklong news fast . . . and I’m very excited about it. For the last year, I’ve been hitting...
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