by Jason Freeman | Mar 5, 2021 | Imperfect Best
Today is March 5, 2021. In just under a week, Americans will have lived with the COVID-19 pandemic for an entire year. For a virus many of us believed would go away if we all just stayed inside for a couple weeks and practiced safety precautions, this blows my...
by Jason Freeman | Dec 18, 2020 | Imperfect Best
Since we live in radical times, I’m going to suggest you set a radical goal for yourself. If you want to run a 5K, set your sights on a half-marathon. Instead of learning chopsticks, commit to Chopin. Skip the boxed muffins and mill your own wheat for an artisan loaf....
by Jason Freeman | Nov 20, 2020 | Imperfect Best
In case the title didn’t give it away, this blog is about keeping a to-do list, but for a reason you might not suspect: as an effective antidote for worry. And, hey, let’s face it, in 2020 we can use all the antidotes we can get! So, bear with me here, as...
by Jason Freeman | Sep 16, 2020 | Imperfect Best
“Nothing worth having comes easy.” ~Theodore Roosevelt On occasion, we may tell ourselves that the problems we are currently facing are permanent and unending. This would be like a seed saying, “I’m a seed. Anyone can look at me at me and see that. ...
by Jason Freeman | Apr 17, 2020 | Imperfect Best
Answer me this,Have you ever been born?Even once?If so, you know the powerof what life creates first hand.You once floated in your mother’s womb.Before you emerged screaming,unable to crawl or hold your headup. You couldn’t talk, understand language,make a...
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