Set New Records This Year

Set New Records This Year

For years, I’ve known that Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four-minute mile and that, after this historic accomplishment, other runners soon broke his record in large part because Roger proved it was possible.  What an incredible story right?  I love this...
Fact AND Fiction

Fact AND Fiction

My reflexes and response time are slower because of a birth injury.  This is a fact.  Because of it, I generalized that because I have slower reflexes I would therefore, always be inefficient at work.   Yes, there is some truth within my...
I Hope I Never Completely Make It

I Hope I Never Completely Make It

There’s a Zen quote I love, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” ~ Zen Proverb For the record, I’m not anywhere close to enlightenment.  I just ate a Snickers Bar.  I say this as if enlightened people don’t eat...
Challenging Ourselves is Well….Challenging

Challenging Ourselves is Well….Challenging

Remember how full of challenges first grade was?  There was so much to do!   Learning to read, learning to spell, and learning to do math was lots of work.  (If you were a grade school prodigy who found first grade to be total cake, please just imagine what it would...