Confession: I’m a Recovering Yoga-aholic

Confession: I’m a Recovering Yoga-aholic

I just wrote, “I’m a Recovering Yoga-aholic” and now I want to erase it as fast as can, because, I absolutely love yoga and am so grateful to the practice.  After all, consistently attending yoga classes for the last decade-and-change has given me a life I never...
I’ve Decided to Go on a News Fast

I’ve Decided to Go on a News Fast

I’ve decided to go on a news fast. Now there are many types of fasts my body could use: a sugar fast, a cheese fast, a burrito fast.  But for now I choose a weeklong news fast . . . and I’m very excited about it. For the last year, I’ve been hitting...
I Fell Off the Imperfect Best Wagon

I Fell Off the Imperfect Best Wagon

Get Your Goat: To annoy you to the point of getting pissed. Urban Dictionary   Do you ever have thoughts that just get your goat?  Then your goat gets all spooked, jumpy, and agitated.  Meanwhile you are left feeling generally, completely miserable. Yesterday I...