by Jason Freeman | Mar 28, 2018 | Imperfect Best
When we step out and go for what really excites us, what we can truly invest our heart into, we are naturally increasing the love we feel towards ourselves and the world. This stepping out requires a willingness and a surrender to the risk of stepping out...
by Jason Freeman | Oct 26, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Maybe I choose to write about this subject because I’m road tripping to Death Valley this weekend and I really don’t want to die out there. I’m a writer and thus like word-play. But think of my post Death Valley death obituary. It would say, “Jason Freeman died in...
by Jason Freeman | Aug 10, 2017 | Imperfect Best
Dying. If you are anything like me, thinking about it seems really strange and can bring up fear and anger. Wow! Is it ever nice to breathe and wake up each morning and have a new day. What will it be like not to breathe? I dunno… What will it be like...
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