NOT a  Destination

NOT a  Destination

Getting stuck in apology mode and marinating in guilt over a mistake is not typically a productive way forward.  I know, I’ve gone down this rutted, worn, treacherous dirt road countless times. I know this.  Yet one morning fairly recently, I found myself tempted...
Paradoxical Keys to Happiness

Paradoxical Keys to Happiness

Is it possible that the risks we take and the challenges we overcome might hold keys to our happiness?  Contemplate with me here, do you find you’re happiest when you are busy trying to figure something out, or when your day is pretty predictable and seems much...
Set New Records This Year

Set New Records This Year

For years, I’ve known that Roger Bannister ran the first sub-four-minute mile and that, after this historic accomplishment, other runners soon broke his record in large part because Roger proved it was possible.  What an incredible story right?  I love this...
Making Peace with Hope

Making Peace with Hope

Ironically this holiday season, I’ve been thinking a bit about a time in my life when I lost all sense of celebration.  In seventh grade, I attempted to take my own life.   My hard times had begun some years earlier, during the summer following fifth...
Fact AND Fiction

Fact AND Fiction

My reflexes and response time are slower because of a birth injury.  This is a fact.  Because of it, I generalized that because I have slower reflexes I would therefore, always be inefficient at work.   Yes, there is some truth within my...