Don’t Worry, To-Do This . . .

Don’t Worry, To-Do This . . .

In case the title didn’t give it away, this blog is about keeping a to-do list, but for a reason you might not suspect: as an effective antidote for worry.  And, hey, let’s face it, in 2020 we can use all the antidotes we can get!  So, bear with me here, as...
Spring Will Come.

Spring Will Come.

“Nothing worth having comes easy.” ~Theodore Roosevelt On occasion, we may tell ourselves that the problems we are currently facing are permanent and unending.  This would be like a seed saying, “I’m a seed.  Anyone can look at me at me and see that. ...
Stop Waiting on Miracles

Stop Waiting on Miracles

“There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”Albert Einstein Prior to beginning my professional speaking and coaching journey, I don’t remember any grand vision of myself on...
Where Are You Headed?

Where Are You Headed?

Have you ever been at point in your life when you were perfectly content to wander with no clear goal or destination in mind? For me, that point lasted about twelve years, starting in college and spanning about eight years after it.  During this era, my friends would...
Poison Envy

Poison Envy

I used to be exceedingly jealous of people who were not disabled like I was. I would repeatedly catch myself thinking, “If only I was like them I would go for my goals and dreams wholeheartedly.  It’s all so UNFAIR!  I’m too tragically flawed to even attempt to go for...