Fact AND Fiction

Fact AND Fiction

My reflexes and response time are slower because of a birth injury.  This is a fact.  Because of it, I generalized that because I have slower reflexes I would therefore, always be inefficient at work.   Yes, there is some truth within my...
Don’t Worry, To-Do This . . .

Don’t Worry, To-Do This . . .

In case the title didn’t give it away, this blog is about keeping a to-do list, but for a reason you might not suspect: as an effective antidote for worry.  And, hey, let’s face it, in 2020 we can use all the antidotes we can get!  So, bear with me here, as...
Post Success Funk

Post Success Funk

IS THERE A WAY YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO FEEL AFTER A BIG SUCCESS such as landing a dream job, getting married, or a major career accomplishment?How will the Post Big-Success days compare to the day of the Big-Success? I’m contemplating these questions myself because last...
How To Super EmPower Yourself

How To Super EmPower Yourself

Looking back on it now, I realize that for years I felt my disability trapped me into a life I didn’t want to lead. During these years I felt if only I didn’t have a disability my life would instantly improve.  Since my disability is the result of a birth injury which...
When Your Career Seems To Have an Impediment

When Your Career Seems To Have an Impediment

In eight years, I’ve gone from being a guy who studiously avoided the public eye partly because he was ashamed of his speech impediment, to being a guy who has made audiences across the country laugh, cry, have epiphanies and recognize the greatness within themselves....