
Bunnies make extremely quiet, adorable little neighbors.  There’s certainly no lack of wild ones around where I live.  But, I do question some of their decisions.  For instance, when I’m driving down the road with no one ahead or behind me, why do rabbits so often insist on Evil Knievel-ing it across the road right in front of my rapidly spinning tires?  

If I’m in a reflective mood, I might draw parallels with the fact that when I panic, I sometimes run towards danger instead of waiting for it to pass or doing an about face in the opposite direction.  I suppose like most things in life, if I allow it, bunnies can teach me many lessons.

And sometimes, I’m very good at resisting my teachers…  

A few days ago, I opened the garage to a peculiar odor.  I made excuses for its presence,  “Well, It’s been closed up for a couple days and it’s been humid…probably nothin’.”

Like magic, the smell disappeared when I closed the garage, leaving me free to forget about it  and carry on with my sweet smelling day.

But the smell didn’t go away.  So finally, the stink prodded me into action.  

Hoping my initial thought might still bear some truth, I opened up all of the garage’s doors, and crossed my fingers that a little circulation of fresh air might do the trick. 

A little while later I was chatting on my phone, roaming mindlessly around the garage, enjoying the calm, sunny August day when I suddenly stumbled upon the remains of ol’ Peter or Patricia Cottontail, him-or-herself. 


Yep, gross enough, in fact, that I was disgusted-right-into-action.  I grabbed a shovel and gave poor Peter or Patricia the burial they deserved and left the garage to air out the rest of the day. 

While I very much love when life is adorable, bunny-nose-twitching-appealing, sometimes it can really add a heavy stench to your day.  

Reality often only lets us ignore the stink for so long before it screams at us to take action.

Perhaps there’s a subtle stench in your own life that you’re ignoring, hoping it’ll simply go away on its own?  

If so, and if I may: a little action might do you good.

JASON FREEMAN is a Professional Speaker and the proud owner of a Speech Impediment.  He is also the author of “Awkwardly Awesome: Embracing My Imperfect Best” and a Perseverance Coach.

He excites and encourages his audience to break through the barriers of their own limitations using a method he created, called “Doing your Imperfect Best ™”.

His Imperfect TEDx Talk can be viewed here.