Never Forget the Tremendous Power of Life

Never Forget the Tremendous Power of Life

Answer me this,Have you ever been born?Even once?If so, you know the powerof what life creates first hand.You once floated in your mother’s womb.Before you emerged screaming,unable to crawl or hold your headup. You couldn’t talk, understand language,make a...
Poison Envy

Poison Envy

I used to be exceedingly jealous of people who were not disabled like I was. I would repeatedly catch myself thinking, “If only I was like them I would go for my goals and dreams wholeheartedly.  It’s all so UNFAIR!  I’m too tragically flawed to even attempt to go for...
Finding Success in Sabotage

Finding Success in Sabotage

Have you ever done something to avoid the potential of success?It seems like an odd question, right?  But I know from first hand experience that it’s an important one. For too many years, I routinely sabotaged my desire for success and it was FAR MORE DISABLING...
When Limitations Drive Our Lives

When Limitations Drive Our Lives

I worry that what I’m about to say won’t come out politically correct toward myself.  Don’t get me wrong.  In being politically incorrect toward myself, I don’t desire to diminish myself.  My wish is quite the opposite.   My intention is to be liberation-ally correct...
Why do I Hate the Elephant

Why do I Hate the Elephant

There’s an expression, “the elephant in the room,” that alludes to the thing everybody knows, but nobody is willing to talk about. “The elephant in the room” can be mighty awkward for all involved.  After all, what could be more odd than sitting in a room with a...
May as Well Put That Membership to Good Use

May as Well Put That Membership to Good Use

When my umbilical cord got kinked as I was being born, it gave me a lifelong membership into the club of “people with disabilities”.  This membership is not quite the same as having a membership to a trendy health or country club.  But it does come with...
Practice is Not a Consolation Prize

Practice is Not a Consolation Prize

When I started my unlikely–somewhat ironic–career as a professional speaker with a speech impediment, one of my primary goals was making millions of dollars, FAST.  Looking back on this time, my primary motivation wasn’t joy, but a desire to:  PROVE I could...