Fact AND Fiction

Fact AND Fiction

My reflexes and response time are slower because of a birth injury.  This is a fact.  Because of it, I generalized that because I have slower reflexes I would therefore, always be inefficient at work.   Yes, there is some truth within my...
Doin’ Circles

Doin’ Circles

A LITTLE WHILE BACK, I SUDDENLY FACED A HUGE PROBLEM: My computer was working perfectly one minute,then the next I couldn’t open ANY OF MY WORD DOCUMENTS! Have you ever experienced a very sudden, unpleasant surprise like that? What did you do in that situation? Did...
Doing Our Imperfect Best in Times Like These

Doing Our Imperfect Best in Times Like These

Things change.  Problems that we think are insurmountable get solved.  Ten years ago, standing up in front of an audience was the last thing I wanted to do.  Back then, I was resigned to making do with a speech impediment I was ashamed of.  It never occurred to me...