Why Doing Our Imperfect Best Matters

Why Doing Our Imperfect Best Matters

When we step out and go for what really excites us, what we can truly invest our heart into, we are naturally increasing the love we feel towards ourselves and the world.  This stepping out requires a willingness and a surrender to the risk of stepping out...
I’ve Decided to Go on a News Fast

I’ve Decided to Go on a News Fast

I’ve decided to go on a news fast. Now there are many types of fasts my body could use: a sugar fast, a cheese fast, a burrito fast.  But for now I choose a weeklong news fast . . . and I’m very excited about it. For the last year, I’ve been hitting...
Do You Ever Play This Trick On Yourself?

Do You Ever Play This Trick On Yourself?

Since we were kids we’ve been told to “Just Wait.” We’ve been told to “Just Wait,” for a chocolate chip cookie, for a new toy we desperately want, for summer vacation to come.   Now, sometimes it’s important to just wait: For the light to turn green. For the corn...