
My advice is sometimes hard to implement. I know this because I give myself a great deal of advice that I often find challenging to implement.  I imagine we all experience this from time to time.  It’s been said that we’re our own best teachers, but we can also be our most challenging students.  I speak to this from a lifetime of experience, which might not mean that much if I was 3 or 4, but I’m now 43.

Considering all the grains of salt that come with that lengthy disclaimer, this is what I see:


We have a lifetime to go on a journey and discover more and more aspects of our dream.  Our knowledge of that dream expands with each plan we make and each new thing we try.


Do you find yourself living more in love with a dream that’s in the imperfect process of coming true?

OR are you living more in fear and preemptive disappointment that the dream you have may never come true, precisely the way you want it to?

As I write this, it occurs to me that the Coming True part happens along the way.  Our dreams come to life as we live, breathe, try new things, have success, fail, make mistakes, struggle, get confused, lose and win – cue the song “Life Is A Highway” in your mind . . . or with your eyes and ears:



Some plans work out way better than we could’ve imagined, others are complete flops.

Many of us spend so much time and energy worrying about getting plan A right.  But really plan A is just the beginning of the alphabet. There are 25 other letter-shaped opportunities to get it right.  And if all those fail, we can circle back around and try plan A2.



For example, this blog symbolizes a plan, a plan I’m already second guessing.  Was it really a good idea to start this blog by talking about giving advice? Who am I to give advice?  Why include a video in this blog where I’m standing way too close to the camera?

Maybe, I should just scrap the plan to write this blog altogether.  After all, I have twenty more ideas where this one came from.

But if we keep scrapping plans before we actually implement them, how will we know which ones actually work?  

The first plan Thomas Edison had for making a light bulb might have worked.  He didn’t know that he needed to move to plan B until he tried plan A.

“As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

Why did I bring Edison into this? Can’t I think of a more current example?  Hmmm? Oh yes, me!  As I write this I’m struck by how many of my failed plans have become an essential part of the fabric of those that turned out to be successful.

If that is the case, then is there ever, really, such a thing as an unsuccessful plan?

That would be like saying our favorite sweater has bad pieces of cotton woven into it. It’s the whole of the sweater that comforts us.

Allow your dream to unfold and guide you as it does so. Release yourself to its journey instead of forcing it to fit within the mold your biased idea of what it should be.

There are an infinite number of ways for our dreams to come to true. Start by remembering the rest of the alphabet.




If you’d like more insights from Jason, Click Here to preview the first 36 Pages of his book, Awkwardly Awesome – Embracing My Imperfect Best !


OR to purchase the book: Click Here!